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Lamenti di Nadima

Compulsory Works MA Competition 2021 for Melodic Instruments with Percussion: Recorder, Traverso, Viola da Gamba, Baroque Cello, Baroque Violin, Baroque Oboe and Saxophone.


These pieces were writ­ten as com­pul­so­ry work for the finale of MA com­pe­ti­tion 2021

Lamento di Nadima is the lament of a Jezidi moth­er who was forced by her fam­i­ly after years of IS cap­tiv­i­ty, to leave her 3‑year-old — born out of rape — in an orphan­age. A new hell. 

In the first part, per­cus­sion and soloist sound as two apart enti­ties. After that, both parts become denser and the per­cus­sion func­tions as an alter­na­tive bas­so con­tin­uo. It’s rhyth­mi­cal struc­ture is derived from Monteverdi’s Lamento del­la Ninfa. The per­cus­sive ener­gy — sta­ble and capri­cious at the same time — in com­bi­na­tion with the vari­ety of col­ors sym­bol­ize the inner dynam­ic of grief and pain. These var­i­ous col­ors in both instru­ments make them melt togeth­er in an unex­pect­ed way. 

By using bowed per­cus­sion, Heleen Van Haegenborgh searched for homo­gene­ity. The bowed vibra­phone com­mu­ni­cates clear­ly with the melod­ic char­ac­ter of the sax­o­phone. This in con­tra­dic­tion with the first part where both instru­ments stand com­plete­ly oppo­site to each oth­er and per­cus­sion is not more than a prim­i­tive accom­pa­ni­ment with the old­est per­cus­sion instru­ment: a sim­ple drum.

* Based on Brenda Stoter Boscolo‘s book The Forgotten People, the Yezidi’s Account of the Last Genocide. Chap­ter 9



  • Commission
    MA Festival
  • Composition
    Heleen Van Haegenborgh
  • Premiere by
    Tom De Cock, Hojin Kwon, Ursina Maria Braun, Lea Sobbe, Minori Deguchi and Teodoro Bau.
  • Première on
    August 14, 2021 at Concertgebouw Brugge
  • (other) performers
    Alejandro Fenollosa and Diego Sàenz Mateo.
  • Instrumentation
    Viol, Perc
  • Vn, perc
  • Brq vc, perc
  • Trav, perc
  • Rec, perc
  • Sax, perc
  • Length

Tom De Cock

Ursina Maria Braun, shared 2nd place

Hojin Kwon (public prize and 2nd prize) and Tom De Cock

Lea Sobbe

Alejandro Fennollosa and Diego Saenz Mateo

Hojin Kwon (public price, 2nd prize) and Tom De Cock

Related Press

Past Agenda

2023 20:00

Lamento di Nadima

By Diego Saenz Mateo and Alejandro Fenollosa Beltran

Ghent Royal Conservatory

2021 12:30

Lamento di Nadima 2, 4, 5 & 6, première

By the finalists of the MA Competition

Concertgebouw Bruges