Common Verbs
For 3 Voices and Large Ensemble
Part 1 Asking — Playing — Dancing
Part 2 Loving — Waiting — Losing
Part 3 Fighting
Common Verbs is a piece for large ensemble. The verbs stand for some essential aspects of life. Socially, sociologically, psychological and philosophical.
Folk songs from over the world, connected with these actions were selected to incorporate into the piece. Is there a fairer reflection of what people care for than folk songs? They arise among people from a need and are true to themselves and the environment. There is nothing which reflects more the immediate, the living human, the concrete.
E.g. In Fighting, the music is built around protest songs sung during the protests in Hong Kong. They are well hidden because they were processed vocally and instrumentally in a micro polyphonic way. In Loving Waiting Losing Playing we might discover I wish I had 2 hearts (Greece), Why are we waiting (Slovakia) or a Clapping song (Nigeria) etc.
CompositionHeleen Van Haegenborgh
Instrumentationvoice (3), fl, ob, cl, bcl, hn, tot, perc, pf, vn, vc
Length5’01” - 12’14” - 6’43”